It's no secret the FDA is strict. They are a stickler on anything and everything "drug" related. Take my family friend's business for example. They own and operate a small wholesale and distribution center in Los Angeles. Working mainly with export, they contact pharmaceutical companies in the United States, purchase their merchandise and export it to countries seeking U.S. medicine. After all U.S. medicine is considered of very high quality.
Why is that you ask? It's because we have the FDA.
The FDA periodically comes and checks that the warehouse is following protocol - from warehouse security to air conditioning, small business owners working with medicine is under immense security and can be cited for minute details. It is because of this that U.S. medicine has a reputation for quality and value.
But on a side note, lets not forget the FDA is also in charge of all agricultural products in the U.S. Whether foods are imported or grown in backyards, foods that are sold to the public are under FDA jurisdiction.
Consequently, with the hundreds to thousands of business in the food industry, some are likely to fail the inspection. Last week it was the Sun Hong Kai Holding Inc. of Atlanta. In their "Public Health Regulatory Inspection," the FDA seized over "$700,000 in rice and food packages." It seems the food was not stored or held properly and could perish.
Interesting enough, the FDA is actually currently understaffed and has been struggling with their legal duties. Regardless of such, it is evident they can still perform optimally - ensuring the health of the American people by cracking down on the agricultural corporations that are not following the rules.
Good to know they have my best interest at heart.
Good to know they have my best interest at heart.